Remote co-production webinar

At this webinar, members of the Healthy Ageing Challenge Community of Practice and co-authors Humanly shared the findings of the Community’s brand new thematic paper, ‘Remote engagement: removing barriers to inclusion in the context of ‘COVID-19’ and discussed successful approaches to this work. Speakers included Ryan MacDonald, Blackwood Neighbourhoods for Independent Living Paul Blythin, Business Health Matters Jenni Parker and Zoe Rowe, Humanly.

Event Details


13.00 - 14.00



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Remote engagement webinar: removing barriers to participation in the context of COVID-19. Friday 26th February, 11am-12.15pm At this webinar, members of the Healthy Ageing Challenge Community of Practice and co-authors Humanly shared the findings of the Community’s brand new thematic paper, ‘Remote engagement: removing barriers to inclusion in the context of ‘COVID-19’ and discussed successful approaches to this work.

Speakers: Ryan MacDonald – Blackwood Neighbourhoods for Independent Living

Paul Blythin – Business Health Matters Jenni Parker

Zoe Rowe – Humanly


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