Global Expert Mission to USA for Quantum Technologies

Posted on: 10/10/2019

From 18 to 22 November 2019, KTN International Team are in Washington DC, Boulder, Los Angeles, and San Francisco in the USA.

The US has a strong academic base in quantum science, including groups at MIT, Harvard, UCSB, Stanford and Colorado. The National Institute of Standards and Technology is playing a prominent role in the development of international standards, most notably for timing and quantum secure communications. Alongside the academic and national facilities, there is significant industry investment and activity, involving companies such as IBM, Google, Intel, Microsoft, Honeywell, Boeing and Lockheed Martin alongside start-ups and spin-outs such as Rigetti and IonQ.


In December 2018, the National Quantum Initiative Act was signed into law, directing ‘the President to implement a National Quantum Initiative Program to, among other things, establish the goals and priorities for a 10-year plan to accelerate the development of quantum information science and technology applications.’ The Act creates a multiagency program spanning the National Institute of Standards and Technology, National Science Foundation, and Department of Energy. As part of the initiative, NSF and DOE will each establish between two and five competitively awarded research centres.


The team are looking forward to expanding international collaborations and will report back next month!


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