KTN's Industrial Maths activities in early 2020

Posted on: 06/11/2019

KTN is involved three mathematical science activities in early 2020. Businesses and researchers are needed.


The activities include two study groups and a short programme at the Isaac Newton Institute, covering topics as broad as formulation science, circular economy, geospatial data, and clean growth.


KTN has a successful track record of running or being key players in Industrial Maths study group.  The aim is to explore the application of the mathematical sciences to solving industry problems.  Driving translation of mathematical and statistical research advances into high value applications in industry is vital to unlocking key societal and economic challenges in clean growth and sustainability.


Two more groups are planned for 2020 and KTN is keen to attract researchers to the events to tackle the challenges.


21-23 January 2020 – Geospatial study group

To be held at the University of Bath’s Institute for Mathematical Innovation.

KTN is calling for a range of problems from industry sectors where location data plays a vital role and for researchers to register for the group where they will work on three to four problems over three intensive days to come up with solutions.  The industry problems should focus around a central theme of geospatial data that could be applied to areas as diverse as health, infrastructure, finance, water, transport, digital, finance, retail and any others where location data plays a vital role.

How do I get involved?

There are two ways to be involved in this group:

  • Companies:¬†if you are a UK business and wish to pose a problem, please contact KTN‚Äôs Knowledge Transfer Manager for¬†Industrial Mathematics, Matt Butchers¬†with a short description of the¬†challenge.
  • Researchers: if you are researcher from a UK university who wishes to take part, please¬†also contact Matt Butchers.¬† There is a small charge for most participants.



20-22 April 2020 Clean Growth study group

To be held at the University of Nottingham.


This study group will bring mathematical science researchers from across the UK to work on a number of industry problems over three intensive workshop days to come up with solutions to industry problems from areas as diverse as agriculture, food production and biotechnology, resource efficiency, water and sustainability.

Researchers in mathematics, statistics, engineering, computer science and related areas will work together towards practical solutions and first steps in approaching problems. Early stage career academics, PhD students and postdocs are particularly welcome.

This study group is fully funded by the University of Nottingham Leverhulme Doctoral Scholarships programme “Modelling and Analytics for a Sustainable Society” with support from KTN.


Anyone from industry or UK academia wishing to take part should contact Matt Butchers.


Additionally, after a mathematics in the Industrial Strategy meeting at the ICMS in February 2019, a group of researchers and KTN were successful in applying and securing a programme at the prestigious Isaac Newton Institute.

3-14 February 2020 Isaac Newton Institute, Cambridge

The Isaac Newton Institute and KTN will be running two five day study sessions which will explore how the application of mathematical sciences can contribute to the Industrial Strategy by co-creating future mathematical science inspired research topics in two key industry-led themes:

  • Theme¬†one (3 – 7 Feb 2020)¬†‚Äì Physical modelling for formulation
  • Theme two (10 – 14 Feb 2020)¬†‚Äì Network theory and optimal control for the circular economy


If you are interested in being involved in either of these groups, please contact Matt Butchers.

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